Our clients tell us they like the transparency of fixed price, time-limited, focused interventions with clear outcomes.
We are always happy to discuss your specific needs and how we could help.
To make it as easy as possible we have outlined our most popular support packages below.


A workshop that takes you beyond the wall of post it notes

Design and leadership of a workshop
(I contribute to and steer the discussion rather than traditional neutral facilitation).
We use advanced techniques to ensure we can make collective decisions with clarity.

Perfect for a workshop with a challenging or dissenting group,
on an issue you are struggling to move past
or for taking a new approach to one of those workshops you feel like you’ve done 100 times already.


Short, high impact mini-consultancy project

Up to 5 days support over 2-3 weeks
including a workshop, stakeholder interviews and creation of the final output

Perfect for a specific need eg, setting vision, mission and purpose,  a strategy refresh,
a risk and opportunity overhaul, identifying an overall theory of change,
quick fire business planning process, light touch diagnostic or a prioritisation process


Detailed diagnosis, analysis, engagement and recommendations

Up to 15 days support over 6-8 weeks
including workshops, stakeholder interviews, data gathering, research,
analysis, sector engagement, prioritisation and development of clear recommendations,
final report or other usable output, and support to reach a decision

Perfect for important strategic projects that need a capacity boost to get them done -
for example full strategy review, service review or redesign, growth plan, new business plan, change of business model or back office review.


 Intensive hands on support

Up to 3 days a week for 6 months
Interim Director approach - turnaround strategy combined with day to day operational management and problem solving

Perfect for when you need to get back on track
– identification of strategic plan and priorities; development of optimum delivery model; resource review and plan;
and recommendations on structures, governance and enablers (e.g. technology and
This package also includes support in implementation of any quick
wins and the transitional model.